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Is metal mesh curtain not anti-corrosive?


Metal mesh curtains are very popular because of their beautiful appearance and different colors, which are very suitable for making decorations and enhancing the overall decoration effect. If you make decorations without too much contact with corrosive substances, some people can't help but be curious, then can it be done without anti-corrosion treatment for metal mesh curtains?
Is metal mesh curtain not anti-corrosive?
         In terms of the material of the net curtain, the cost will be lower if iron is used, but if it is not galvanized, the corrosion resistance cannot be complimented, and if copper wire is used, the cost will be high. Judging from this exclusion, aluminum wire is a good choice.
         On the one hand, the overall weight of the aluminum wire is clear, and it is more convenient to install.
        On the other hand, the anti-corrosion ability of aluminum wire is good, and the metal color is guaranteed, which can achieve the metal texture for decoration.


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